Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ha! Ha! Ha! Very funny!

I got my flu shot today! Hooray! (not)
And when my teacher heard that, she got this serious look and then she said,"Oh, those really hurt. ''I'm getting a normal flu shot not the swine flu," I protested. Then she said,'' I know, you are going to scream and fall on the floor.'' I was so freaked out and then she said,''Just kidding it really feels like a bug bite." Well, that's one way to feel a little foolish.


  1. You were suppose to take Lauren with you!! Glad you got it over with- it is nice when it is done and over with!!

  2. Woops- I fixed your blog and forgot I was signed in as your mom- this is Aunt Jenny

  3. You are so brave. I'm glad you got it over with. Now you can drag me.
