Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mary Queen Of The World

Rabbit's choice

Today I made a carrot cake all by myself!It was fun and I do enjoy baking once in a while!

UP,UP, and away...

On Saterday we saw the movie UP. Those who haven't seen it yet should!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Petco Fashion Ferret

We had another feild trip today to Petco. We saw and felt a snake, lizard, chinchila,guinea pig, and saw a large assortment of other animals as well. But the wierdest by far was a greedy,hiper ,ferret. We sat in a ring and the ferret scurried around trying to excape. When a little girl walked in, things got interesting.She sat in the circle and immediately the ferret was obsessed with her pink, sparkly, flip flops! If thats not wierd I don't know what is!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hike to Timpanogas

Today my class hiked to Timp cave for a feild trip. I've only been there once before and it was just as wonderful as it was for the first time! I really enjoyed it!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Baby Blue

Last Christmas, my parents anounced to us that we would now have a family of six, and we all went wild with exitement. My mom had the brilliant idea to let us know if it was boy or girl by tying balloons onto our winderdairy cooler, pink:girl blue:boy. After seeing the ballons were blue, every thing looked blue!

All About Sarah

Hi I'm Sarah and here's a little about me. I love to read, chapter and picture books alike. I also love to act at the Rogers Memorial near my house. Another hobby I have is art of all kinds ,but my favorites are clay and sketching. Our family just planted a garden , and I think all enjoy working in it alot